Shogi 11 January 2017
Five Good Reasons for Moms to Play Shogi with Children
We previously introduced five comic books on Shogi besides “Sangatsu no Raion (March Comes in Like a Lion)” on our blog, and one of those is “Hirake Koma (Open pieces)” by Minami Kyuuta.
In this comic book, not only Takara, a main character, but also his mother started learning Shogi.
She enjoyed Shogi as much as Takara or even more. She attended a good-looking instructor’s Shogi lesson, participated in a tournament with her classmates and so forth.
So, today, I would like to talk about five good reasons for mothers to start Shogi with children. Shogi is not only for children. Why don’t moms also enjoy playing Shogi just like Takara’s mother?
1. You can play Shogi with your children regardless of your age

This is my personal view but I would say that one of the upsides of playing Shogi between a parent and a child is that we can play it regardless of our age, and also just two of us can play it alone. Since Shogi is a game for two, no other players need to join. A parent and a child can enjoy quality time alone.
I understand that mothers sometimes find parenting hard since children want constant attention. At the same time, mothers also find children’s constant desire for affection adorable.
However, as they grow, they become rebellious in the adolescence, and leave lonely parents behind reaching a certain age.
The more children grow, the less time parents and children spend together. If a parent and a child have a common hobby, however, they can still enjoy fruitful communication despite the limited time they spend together. Unlike soccer or tennis, Shogi does not require physical strength on parents. It demands mental strength, though. Also, Shogi is different from crafts or gardening which we can enjoy alone. We can enjoy conversation over the board of Shogi.
2. Moms can support children

Mothers often ask me how they should help children when children start Shogi. I personally think that it is good enough for mothers just to observe children playing, but I also understand moms want to do more for their children.
If moms start Shogi at the same time as children, I would say that children can improve Shogi skills faster than moms. Nevertheless, there are quite a few things that mothers can do to support children. For example, Takara’s mother read out Kifu, Shogi game scores, beside Takara so that he could easily record his game scores.
3. Moms can feel children’s growth

There is a heart-warming scene in the latter half of “Hirake Koma” vol. 2. Takara’s mom told Takara that she lost a game in a second when she played against an opponent who was 2 grade higher than herself.
She said that she only knew handicap game, and did not know “Joseki (standard move sequences)”.
The opponent easily captured her Kaku (Bishop) while she didn’t notice that. Her mind went blank.
When Takara heard this story, he got more vexed than his mother. He said, “You can easily beat such an opponent who is just 2 grade higher than you” and “ I can teach you some strategies”.
In the vol.1 of the story, however, Takara did not care at all when he lost his own game, and his mother wondered why he could be so. Nevertheless, in the vol. 2, Takara gave his mother such trustworthy words, and she decided to participate in a tournament which she was considering.
Mothers always help and teach children. However, I think it is a new and great moment for mothers to sense growth of children when children teach moms something.
4. Shogi helps to develop human relationship

Mothers tend to spend more time for children and domestic chores than their own jobs or private matters. It is surely valuable and essential to spend time with children, but I would think that mothers feel somehow choked up if they only have time with children.
Mothers also need to go out and talk with someone other than family members.
Takara’s mom developed her world as she started Shogi. Most of the characters in the story were Takara, his mom, and people around Takara until his mom’s starting Shogi. However, since she started learning Shogi, she met new people such as Mr.Mizushima, a good-looking Shogi instructor, her teammates for Shogi tournament, and her game opponents. She developed her own human relationship.
It is very encouraging to have someone to share some common interests.
5. Shogi helps you to earn support from many people

Mothers tend to take a role to give support.
Moms support children for their sports day, piano recitals, and assist their husbands as well.
Mothers always work so hard for children, domestic chores and also their jobs. However, I think that mothers seem to have fewer opportunities to gain direct appreciation or supports from family members. They may be just shy to express a word of gratitude, though.
When mothers start Shogi, however, many people around them give support to mothers. In the story, Takara’s mother gained so much yell and support when she decided to participate in a tournament. She and her teammates helped each other as they got to know each other. Mr. Mizushima also supported the team.
Family members and people around mothers could sympathize with mothers when they all play Shogi as a common hobby. It is sometimes good for mothers to take a role to be given support.
We have talked about five good reasons for mothers to start Shogi with children in today’s article. How was it?
You might think that Shogi class is hard to start for young mothers since it is full of aged men. For those mothers, I would recommend Shogi class for parents and children. There are many Shogi related events held all over Japan. We hope that you can have a chance to attend those some time.